What is your I-need-holidays factor?

Have you ever tried to measure how good your work-life balance is? Honestly saying, I’ve never thought about it. Several times I was told to look for it, to work less, to do other things. But when do you know if you actually have a balance? And can you actually measure it?
Chasing a rabbit good life
We all want to lead a good life. We all try to lead a good life. But how do we know if we have one? We all can feel if we are happy or not, but this is a very unstable feeling with high fluctuation. So maybe there is a better way to actually check if we lead a good life and if there exists work-life balance at all?
I-need-holidays factor
This is the factor I had already been thinking about for some time before it stroke me last holidays.
I-need-holidays factor
the number of days needed to actually start feeling relaxed during holidays.
The more tired & stressed you are the more holiday days you need to actually get rid of daily stress. What I have recently actually realized is that this factor can be tightly related with the quality of work-life balance.
How to measure work-life balance?
That should be fairly simple, at least at start. Wait for the weekend to come and observe if during any of those days you already feel fully relaxed & recharged. If you can feel that at the regular weekend days, it means that you lead a well balanced life, congratulations!
However, if, by any reason, you are unable to become fully relaxed during one weekend and the same issue appears in the following ones, it simply means two things: - your life is not well balanced - you need longer holidays not only to actually measure how bad is your situation, but simply to rest & relax!