Business Week #10 - React now!
Reacting only on change is more than enough
When building list of goals I decided to use Combine to produce stream of data updates and to reload UI only when it's actually needed.
Combine is a framework implementing the idea of reactive programming - declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.
How it works in practice? When new goal is added the list of goals is updated and it is pushed to the stream of updates. UI is observing for any changes of this stream and reloads the list only when change happens. The same applies to marking goal as done for today.
This is how list of goals screen has been build and is reloaded - it reacts and reloads only when change happens.
⏳ Time spent: 210 minutes (87,5%)
Plan for week #11
For each goal we want to track successes. So for daily goals we'd like to track current and record number of successful days in a row.