🗓 Jan 21, 2024⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 100 - Looking back

We're not here, captain!

One hundred weeks later I am more or less at the beginning of my business life. That's two years already!

My first project - Better - was put on hold as diving deeper made me realize that this project is too complicated not only to create but also for users.

My second project - Strings - is still in production. I reached the MVP phase of the software, however we are delayed with the hardware. In the meantime, we defined a pretty clear business plan and I hope to release the project still this year, but it's not only up to me.

My third project - Shop for English teachers - was completed and released to the public. However, it lacks the focus of my co-founder and due to the lack of promotion is not successful at all. But at least it is alive.

A couple of other ideas popped up in the meantime but they were put on hold due to other projects or failed to pass the initial validation phase.

So this is me - two years later, still without any business success, but still believing 💪

Time spent: 30 minutes (12,5%)

Plan for week #101

Start working on localization library.

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