🗓 Jun 2, 2024⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 119 - Flutter

Side projects need me, or the other way round...

One day I woke myself up in the middle of the night with the idea for the mobile app I could create that could let me gain some experience in new technologies I need to learn and does not require a heavy design. Years ago I released two puzzle games called The Fortress and The Fortress: Inferno. A friend of mine designed the riddles and I built the app.

Now, 10+ years later, I want to release the new version of both apps built from scratch in Flutter - a new multiplatform technology I want to learn as the market currently requires that.

The biggest success this week was related to finding the source code of the initial app somewhere in one of my old pen drives. Now, based on that I can start learning Flutter & Dart to start building the app.

Time spent: 60 minutes (25%)

Plan for week #120

Start building the app in public

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