🗓 Jun 5, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #15 - Level up!

The whole difference between heading towards our goals and roaming around them is in checkpoints.

Creating goals without defining levels you wanna achieve is like participating in race without a finish line. Goal levels are checkpoints clearly showing you if you actually progress. There is no simpler and better way to monitor your progress.

This week was all about levels. Starting with possibility to create new goals with optional levels, through saving them up to the possibility to actually edit your goals you have already defined. And this whole featureset, including level validation logic and tests took just 4 hours during this week. That's so amazing how fast you can progress using the right tooling + tech stack (and skills of course 😜).

business week 15 demo

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #16

Adding goal levels heads us directly towards a first milestone of the app - building full user experience related to first type of goal - daily goals.

To finish this first milestone I still need to use the levels in the app - display progress in the list and check if anytime user achieved new level.

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