🗓 Jun 19, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #17 - Level complete!

There is no single reason in using a tool adding rather than removing complexity from life

It actually took me six days before I figured out how to approach the logic related with levels completion popups. Luckily a week consists of seven days, that is why the last one was the productive one. To be clear - I did use little help from the little SwiftUI lib helping to trigger custom popups over the app screen - PopupView but still, the rest was built by me on top of this lib.

Also, I used some time this week to refactor Storage - to separate actual storing logic and caching from storage framework. Single Responsibility Principle was was introduced for cases like this. This actually might require also one additional step in the future - introduce async communication with storing framework.

Still, in the meantime let's have a look on how the app informs user once a new goal level was complete.

business week 17 demo

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #18

One last thing... Why there always has to be this one last thing? So, to finish my first milestone I still need to create item detail screen. I believe this would be the last thing required to consider a first milestone as complete. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞

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