🗓 Aug 7, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #24 - Fork

There is no spoon, but you can still use a fork

Pause - Stuck - Pause. This three-week series did not sound too optimistic for the future, but finally I was able to move on this week. A task that made me freeze for some weeks was implementation of calendar view presenting completed days in a monthly view. Initially I decided not to implement it from scratch but to integrate a library that looks like matching my needs - Elegant Calendar..

As it occured, it meet like 90% of my requirements, however I was stuck with some little things that make this calendar incompatible with my needs, so I finally decided to fork the repository and modify project to meet my needs.

You can find final implementation effect below:

business week 24 demo

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #25

Goal Details View requires some updates, especially in the area of progress presentation in form of progress bars. This will be the subject of my next working week.

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