🗓 Sep 5, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #28 - Startup pitch

Startup pitch is the ultimate way to define reasons for any project to happen, ever

I'm currently on holidays so this ain't gonna be typical post describing the progress towards building great dev company of one. Holidays gave me no space for working progress, but also gave some space for thinking and doing some cleanups. One of the things that needed cleaning up was ~50 cards in my mobile Safari browser kept for later. This list of course grew for months.

One of the cards I had kept for future reading was related to running an exercise creating startup pitch. I actually took this opportunity to try to create the pitch for Consider it done. Once I did it I realized how both difficult and important challenge it is to create something for any project. I even named it ultimate validator instantly checking whether the project really makes sense.

Let's see the startup pitch I created.

We all want to become better, to grow, to achieve our goals.
Current tools require time and energy to monitor the progress and do not offer help in keeping you on track.
We are making the app to be your goal assistant.
This means you focus on your goals, daily, without wasting time on tracking tools, with smart suggestions and reminders to update the progress.
We have already one user actively using the app for months that already achieved first goal.
This is why we want to have 100000 achieved goals in 10 years!

Makes sense? 😇

Time spent: 30 minutes (12,5%)

Plan for week #29

Create a blog post describing the approach taken to develop iOS app in 2022 based on ConsiderItDone.

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