Business Week #3 - 4hour demo app is created
Even the best plan without an execution is still only a plan.
4h business me
project finally has a tooling to measure actual execution of the project. During this week I focused on finishing first demo of the simple iOS app counting time spent on project.
The idea for this app is very simple - every day, when I spend some time working on the project I update it in the app registering time in one of selected categories. Application counts the time spent during the day and during the week and notifies if 4h limit was met.
App stores data locally, but it's perfectly enough for my local use.
Plan for week #4
🤔 Once I have a blog to register my progress and an app to measure time spent on project, I can actually start working on a core of this business project. So, what is a core? Honestly saying I have no idea where it's gonna lead me, but for now I will start with creating & publishing iOS app. Will it be 4hours
app? I am not convinced. So, what it's gonna be? To find the answer for this question we need to wait till next week.