🗓 Oct 16, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #34 - The path you choose

Sometimes it's better to spend more time picking best path before moving;
sometimes it's better to move on in specific direction and just correct it, if needed.

It's actually difficult to choose best path to develop upfront. This is why refactor is a phase so popular in software development. You need to accept the fact that it's nearly impossible to produce perfect software from scratch - usually it means having several iterations changing approaches, fixing validation with design patterns or updating naming to be most accurate and so on.

This is also the approach I finally took when working on value goals. You see, we have daily goals already fully implemented. Value goals are very similar in some cases but still different compared to daily goals. Based on the discovery from last week I am also already aware of the fact, that once value goals are over, the next big milestone is to create custom goals that will replace both daily & value goals with enhanced functionality.

This is why it makes no sense to implement fancy but still sophisticated solutions to unify codebases for daily & value goals having in mind that soon both will be a song of the past.

So yeah, implementing value goals is typical software development task - with small steps, with iterations, with big goal on the horizon.

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #35

Complete adding/updating/deleting value goals 😊

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