🗓 Nov 20, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #39 - In progress

Done is better than doing, doing is better than waiting for a miracle

The last weeks are very theoretical for me. I'd say that they are even too theoretical which sometimes is pretty exhausting, even for a person like me, an uncontrolled learner.

On one hand, I shall admit that I failed to finish any of the two planned challenges for this week. On the other hand, I shall point out that I did some progress towards finishing both. Yes, it is what it is, sometimes you need more time to finish the planned task.

This is the optimistic conclusion for the next week. This time I will try to focus on one thing - Dots before moving back to Nottie.

Time spent: 300 minutes (125%)

Plan for week #40

Pause PoC of Nottie to fully focus on Dots

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