🗓 Dec 4, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #41 - Catching the waves, again

Never underestimate the power of asking the right questions

The big breakthrough happened in the Dots project this week, thanks to one right question that was asked, and the answer was delivered. I was the one to ask the question, Google was the one to deliver the answer.

To give any hint of how important was this moment for the sake of the project let's just see how much time I spent this week. It's not that I had to, I just wanted to and felt the flow.

The effect of the flow was the first version of the algorithm that does the job. Totally ineffective, with huge limitations and low quality but still working 💪

Time spent: 1140 minutes (475%)

Plan for week #42

Complete testing environment to finish first iteration of Dots project

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