🗓 Jan 16, 2023⏳ 1 minutes
Business Week #47 - When done is not enough
Wanna stay hungry of coding? Manage time spent on it to limit the portions...
It was a good week. It was such a good week, that I believe I bet my previous record and spent more than 3 times longer than I should spend on projects every week. It was so difficult to stop working when the finish line was so close. And the funny thing is that once I crossed the line I created another goal a bit further and focused on reaching it. And once it was reached I created another goal...
It's such a great feeling when you work on a project that just brings you back to the keyboard for another coding session. I hope I will be able to share some more insights on this project soon, for now, it's still a secret one
⏳ Time spent: 780 minutes (325%)
Plan for week #48
Prepare testing environment so the physical hardware can be built on top of software