🗓 Mar 27, 2022⏳ 1 minutes
Business Week #5 - 12,5%
A percentage that matters
So it has finally started - creation of new app is on the way! Of course, not to become too optimistic I shall mention that the whole progress related to the app meant spending 30 minutes drawing basic designs, but it's already something and it looks nice. I already feel enthusiastic about it and eager to start coding.
Well, the thing is that this time I plan to do it bit differently - design first, code later, not to spend too much time thinking about design while coding, which usually happens if I start coding without an idea about design.
⏳ Time spent: 30 minutes (12,5%)
Plan for week #6
Let's try to continue what has been finally started - design still needs to be polished and some parts need finishing.