🗓 Feb 12, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #51 - No flat afterall

Can a good negotiator lead to failed transactions?

A set of phone calls, a bunch of mail discussions, and a couple of discussions over coffee and it all ends in the lack of transaction (for now). We considered buying some flats both from a developer as totally new ones and from the previous owners in buildings from around 1980. We failed to negotiate a single good deal.

I feel that we are in a weird moment of crisis. Due to high rates buyers are willing to negotiate prices that reached an absurd level in the last 2-3 years. On the other hand, sellers do not feel stressed yet if they don't sell today expecting the crisis to end soon and the prices to stay or even continue rising.

The good thing about it is that we are not in a hurry and we can wait and that's our strategy for now.

So, can a good negotiation end in failing to make a deal?

Time spent: 120 minutes (50%)

Plan for week #52

Write a blog post about the responsibility of mobile developer.

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