🗓 Apr 10, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #59 - It's complicated, it always is

That's just the way it goes

It was meant to be that simple, right? As it occurred, nothing is simple. The plan was to launch the first cart using EasyCart built on top of Stripe payment backend. The first issue occurred when configuring the cart - to finish it we need links to Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy on the shop website - but hey, we don't have a shop website yet, we planned to launch it later! The second issue occurred when creating an account on Stripe - to finish creating an account we need to provide a link to the company website we don't have either, we never needed it before 🤷‍♂️

So the four steps back were needed to move forward. This week I focused on the first one - the company website. I made it based on the same framework I used to build this blog - Publish, although looking like not maintained anymore, still perfect for instant page building.

So the first step forward is done - the company website is launched, I'll try to complete at least one more the next week.

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #60

Complete account creation with Stripe and create basic shop website.

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