🗓 May 21, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 65 - The real reality of business

Appreciate small steps towards the goal, sometimes all you need is a bit of patience

The business side of life is moving forward in 3 directions recently - preparing an investment in the office flat, solving issues with the payment provider in our online shop, and considering purchasing an investment flat.

We are moving forward in all three directions but sometimes the velocity is not that impressive. To give an example - I expected to solve all the issues with the payment provider this week and the reality is that I've exchanged a bunch of emails, made some additional changes to the website and all I can do is wait for the provider to give us a green light.

We also planned to start preparing documents for a mortgage and the reality is that we only managed to start the discussions with the consultants leading through the whole process.

Well, it all seems like a reality of business. There are weeks when things move forward with a huge speed while there are also some weeks when we just make barely any progress.

I'm curious about what will happen this week. Other than the two topics mentioned above we also will attend an auction of the flat we are highly interested in purchasing to test a short-term sale or to renovate and rent it. It's the first public auction we will attend and I already feel the adrenalin 🫣

Time spent: 120 minutes (50%)

Plan for week #66

Finally start preparing documents for a mortgage and solve the issues with online shop

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