🗓 Oct 22, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 87 - Ready for sewing

Having one hobby is a must, having many hobbies is a challenge

I've done it! It took me 4 months to introduce all the changes based on tests of the alpha version! Four long months of fixes, tests, changes, fights with procrastination, and lack of time was a challenging time, but now I can finally announce that I am ready to start sewing.

Oh, did I use the word I did not use before? Did I sneak peeked a tiny bit of the secret project? Well, maybe I did, but it does not matter right now. What matters is the fact that I can start testing the beta version and that's so exciting!

Time spent: 420 minutes (175%)

Plan for week #88

Start beta testing of the app / algorightm

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