🗓 Dec 3, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 93 - Challenge of comparison

Things simple for our mind ain't that simple for our algorithm 

We often tend to forget that something pretty easy to our minds may not be that obvious if we try to describe steps to do something. Let's think of image comparison for example - can we say if images are similar or not? Sure, that should not be a problem. But can we measure similarity level to for example pick one of a hundred pictures that is most similar to the base item? I guess we could spend some item comparing images and sooner or later we could pick the most similar one. This is the feature of our brain.

How can we translate it into the algorithm to do it for us?

I spent a bit of time this week working on this kind of challenge and the initial results are pretty good. I based on the darkness comparison taking the same approach as with the main processing algorithm. I'll try to complete the work next week to release a new version of the Strings dev app.

Time spent: 540 minutes (225%)

Plan for week #94

Complete work on next app version finishing comparison feature

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