🗓 Feb 25, 2024⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #105 - Crossing borders

Meeting new people is the exhausting experience

Last week I decided to participate in the two meetings with people I barely know or don't know at all. Having in mind that I am not great at meeting new people I am still unsure why I decided to do that to me. It was difficult, I was totally stressed out, during one meeting I drank too much wine and started talking shit and during the other one at some point, I started drawning with my thoughts and run away, but I am still proud of myself.

It had of course a side effect on my free time and my additional activities, this is why I limited my activities to one running session. We seem to have a bit more time and a bit better weather next week so I hope to go back on the right track.


✅ Did one running training

❌ Failed to do one swimming training

Plan for week #106

💪 Return to typical physical training including running & swimming

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