🗓 Apr 7, 2024⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #111 - It's complicated

1% better, weekly! What a beautiful live goal!

Hmm, can a good week be a bad one at the same time? Let's see. I am slowly pushing the boundaries of physical training, which is good. I am sending new CVs daily, but getting rejected in the first scanning phase, which is rather bad after all. I introduced the intermittent fasting diet, but already broke it once, which is still not that bad. I tried to stay sober for the whole week this is why I already drank alcohol 3 times which is bad. I came back to reading books which is a great thing.

After all, I feel that I am in the same place where I was a week ago, which is not great. We should try to be at least 1% better every week and after a year we'll notice a big difference. Was I 1% better? I am unsure. A new approach to eating is a good thing. The old approach to drinking is a bad thing. Will I try to be this 1% better next week? Seems like a plan!


✅ Send several CVs

❌ Failed to do one running training

❌ Failed to stay sober

Plan for week #112

💪 Continue restarting physical training

🧐 Be more focused on NOW

🥃 Stay sober, finally!

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