🗓 Jul 15, 2024⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #125 - Time for merge?

Work-life balance or work-life integration?

Pretty recently I wrote about a work-life integration as the concept I disagree with. Or, at least, it does not fit me well 🤷‍♂️

However, after writing two weekly summaries for one hundred twenty-five weeks I am seriously considering merging the worlds of life and business into one. It is not that I am not that creative or too lazy to write twice a week (although sometimes I am). It is purely because I typically see that I have one particular focus for the specific week. Sometimes it is a life task, sometimes it is a business challenge, however rarely I can have a successful week in both areas.

This is why I believe it is high time for the integration. My business and life are deeply integrated (let's not mix work & business). I believe that now I should combine those two worlds into the one. I believe, that the summary for the next week will be the first in the new form. Take care 💪


❌ Failed to continue physical training

✅ Stayed positive for the whole week

Plan for week #126

💪 Restart physical training if possible

😀 Combine life & business

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