Life Week #13 - Weekendly
The problem with weekend longer than work week is not in the amount of money you earn, but in the amount of money you spend...
Finally first bit of holidays this year! We spend 3,5 great days in mountains if Beskid Śląski in the south of Poland. Weather was perfectly balanced to give us some time for montain walks when the sun was shining and wind not blowing and all the fun related to swimming pool when the weather was the other way round . This of course had to impact some other plans for this week as 3/7 days were of but well, I see no reason to regret! 🥳
Last week I wrote about my problem with dronnies. This weekend I made it even worse cause I finally recorded couple of nice views and the backlog of video stuff is growing. Time to spend some this this week on it 💻
So, empowered with fun & relaxing time I come back to challanges of the next weeks of my life. Good luck to me!
✅ Ultra active week including 2 joggings, 4 sessions of swimming & montain walking
✅ Continued coding iOS app
✅ Spend first longer holiday weekend this year
✅ Reached 1:45 in plank
⛔️ Failed to progress with a habit of push ups & squats afer brushing teeth
⛔️ Failed to survive a week without a bit of alcohol
⛔️ Failed to progress with finishing dronnie
⛔️ Failed to have a concept of testing children passions
Plan for week #14
📱 Continue coding iOS app
🛸 Finish preparing my first dronnie & start preparing my second one