🗓 May 29, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #14 - Blitz

But hey, that's the life, right?

It seems a bit unproffesional to plan accomplishing one thing and doing nothing about it and at the same time successfully finishing something else, that was totally not planned. But hey, that's the life, right?

Two great unexpected successes that happened months before the plan, especially in chess Blitz (3minutes + 2 seconds for every move you make) were actual surprise. They are a good example of small steps, that repeated frequently enough may let you accomplish your goals.

On the other hand, this week was also about doing milion little things that just take time planned initially especially for app coding. Well, weeks like this happen, you can't just move on and let your backlog grow endlessly, right?


✅ Active week including jogging, swimming some excercises & nice walks

✅ Reached 1000 ELO in 3+2 Blitz - GOAL Level 1 🥳

✅ Reached 14 days of active family - GOAL Level 1 🥳

⛔️ Failed to continue coding iOS app

⛔️ Failed to progress with finishing dronnie

⛔️ Failed to have a concept of testing children passions

Plan for week #15

📱 Continue coding iOS app

🛸 Finish preparing my first dronnie & start preparing my second one

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