🗓 Aug 7, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #24 - What matters most

Things that are left once you remove everything else usually matter most

I feel that I'm kinda sorry for people that tend to have polymathic character but not enough talent & focus to become expect in being a polymath. You know, it's nothing wrong in being an expert in several areas, it's actually amazing thing. Problem starts when you want to be the expert in several areas but, for several reasons, you fail to become one. I am actually writing this from position of someone who has an eagerness to become polymath but fails to progress far enough so I really can feel how frustrating it can be.

That makes me sometimes wonder that the only way to move on is to step back and try to focus on one thing that is actually most important in the current situation. This is why for now I decided to focus in the forthcoming time on developing mobile app and postpone other topics. It actually helps in short term, let's see whether it's a good solution in long term. We'll see 😎


✅ Active week including 1 jogging session, swimming and nice set of exercises

✅ Continued coding iOS app

Plan for week #25

📱 FINALLY Finish first milestone of iOS app

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