🗓 Aug 17, 2022⏳ 1 minutes
Life Week #25 - Green wave
Catching green wave is as difficult as staying on it
The best definition of very active time is the one when you write weekly summary on... next Wednesday 😎 Weeks like this happen - they are crazy, costing you lots of time & energy, however, retrospectively they are potentially the best thing that can happen to anyone. You know, craziness will end, you'll recharge batteries sooner or later but what's in memories stays in memories forever.
✅ Very Active week including 1 jogging session, swimming and several long walks
✅ Continued coding iOS app
✅ Planned next 3-day holidays
Plan for week #26
📱 FINALLY Finish last bits of milestone of iOS app
🏝 Enjoy next 3 days of holidays