🗓 Aug 30, 2022⏳ 2 minutes

Life Week #27 - Pressure outside, pressure inside

Pressure is like water - you need some amount of it, but too much will kill you

So, I was born and lived for first 23 years of my life in Cracov, Poland. They say that we are very traditional people. We are so traditional, that if something happens twice in a row we call it a tradition. For second week in a row we have very small celebration - this time related with finishing first milestone of Consider it done app. How could I did not admit that it slowly becomes a tradition to celebrate something? 😜

Celebration is a one thing I wanted to mention this week, pressure is topic I'd like to dive into. Living under the pressure is something that started to bother me pretty recently when for couple of days in a row my blood pressure raised to the levels above standard. This made me look for reasons of that unexpected situation and I believe there is only one guilty - stress. Living in a constant pressure can be actually really stressful, can you imagine that??

Actually, for most of my adult life I live in a constant pressure of achieving more. The bad thing about my mental is that I do not accept being average, having an average income & life. I feel internal pressure of external expectations that I should be more successful no matter what it means. Is this pressure real? Tough to say, still I would say yes. Actually one of the outputs of this pressure is this blog describing my path towards better me.

The thing is that in last months I've experienced very significant additional amount of external pressure to help someone which is pretty close to us. The trick is that the pressure is not related with helping, cause it's not an issue. It's actually related with the inability of that person to give up on things that are too difficult / not reachable right now, rather prefering to put responsibility on us to handle them, additionally.

Unfortunately it looks like according to my body it's too much at the same time for me. As I am afraid that negotiations with my body may be difficult I need to do something about my life to lower amount of pressure ASAP.


✅ Active week including couple of nice walks and excercise sets

✅ Continued coding iOS app

Plan for week #28

🏝 Organize and have fun on another short holidays

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