Life Week #31 - When health matters
Health is one of few assets given us for free with highest rate of return
For years I am used to think about myself as the healthy one. I try to live active live, I am on a pretty good diet, I limit sugar & alcohol, I've never smoked, I sleep like 8h a day. And then, suddenly, organism says that something is wrong - cholesterol level is too high, hypertension is starting to appear, small arrhythmia symptoms are noticed and require further investigations.
In a week or two from the perfect example of a healthy young man you start to feel like middle-aged old fella that shall start thinking about funeral planning rather than new business. Wait, are we sure we're talking about the same 39 years old man?
Health is one of the crucial assets we receive for free when we are born but we need to learn taking care of through the life to let us live lives we want to live. Especially when the youth has already passed by and you're not twenty anymore, even if you still feel & think like one.
At some point you just need start asking yourself some very fundamental questions
👉 would you prefer to spend more time in work or with your family or friends?
👉 is it worth working overtime or leaving family for long delegations just to buy new car or phone that will be old on some years time?
👉 what do you actually want to achieve in your live?
👉 is there something your grandchildren or the society you live it would be grateful for you once you are not around?
✅ Participated in second chess online tournament (5min + 3sec) - 4 wins, 3 defeats
⛔️ Failed to continue coding iOS app
Plan for week #32
📱 Start coding second milestone of iOS app