🗓 Jan 1, 2024⏳ 2 minutes

Life Week #97 - 2024 predictions

Anyone can predict, even if most of us should not...

2023 summary

Before predicting 2024, let's seek how precise my predictions for 2023 were.

⛔️ I will finally finish my first side project and it will become a minor success. It should double my passive income level by the end of the year. ✅ My wife will release some first educational materials, but will start considering going back to school in September. ✅ My son will win some medals in wrestling tournaments, but it will be too difficult to win any gold this year. ✅/⛔️ My daughter will continue to sing and will become the top signer in the next X-mas show of their group. ✅/⛔️ We will have a couple of big family events. I expect at least one not-so-positive. ✅ Economic situation will not become better, many of us still don't experience a crisis which means that there is a place to raise a bar. ✅ War on Ukraine will not end this year, it will not be very dynamic. ⛔️ Elections in Poland will bring no change, there are too many printers ready to print money. ✅ Inflation will not raise anymore, but the drop will be very, very slow, mostly due to printing money due to elections.

Nice predictions, right? 🙃

2024 predictions

Let's try to predict what the future brings...


  1. I will finally (finally 😳) finish my first side project and it will become a minor success.
  1. I will finish the renovation of my new flat to start renting it but not by the end of September, as initially planned, but by the end of the year.
  1. My wife will stay in the school she is working in currently with a smaller amount of hours as a teacher but with the new role of supervising teacher in one of the classes.
  1. My son will finally wake up from his teenage laziness to do some activities / find a new hobby.
  1. My daughter will continue to sing and will finally perform her first song as a solo singer.

Global (from the Polish point of view)

  1. The global crisis will not end this year due to many geopolitical conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, etc.
  1. The war on Ukraine will not end this year (again), it will not be very dynamic.
  1. The real estate market in PL will finally have a small crisis in the second half of the year.
  1. AI will still grow, while Apple Vision Pro, although excellent, will not change the AR/VR world.
  1. The AI revolution will continue impacting the IT market limiting the amount of developers needed in the market & salary raises outside the AI business.

Plan for week #98

Let's go with 2024 challenges 💪

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