🗓 Sep 1, 2024⏳ 2 minutes

My Week #132 - Concerned

The one of the most important questions to ask yourself periodically - are you on the RIGHT track?

I am a little bit concerned. On the other hand, I am super excited and happy with the progress we made in the last two weeks when it comes to the flat finishing - especially, keeping in mind the fact that I have a hot time in the work that consumes a lot of time and energy.

On the other hand, I am unsure if our direction is the right one. Sure, we have a kinda clear direction and we move forward step by step - but is this the right direction? I mean, sure, we live in a great location in the city, we are finishing our investment project, my wife finally has a prospect of stable work, my children can benefit from living in the center of the big city, we have a house in the countryside we are slowly refreshing. So, what's wrong here?

Well, first of all, the second task I spend most of the time on a weekly basis (after sleeping) is working. Currently, I have no place in our flat to work and I work 100% remotely. So, I roam around between the living room, our small bedroom, children's rooms, etc sometimes a couple of times during the day. This is so inefficient and irritating.

Second of all, our house in the countryside is inhibited by the older generation that requires and expects us to visit the more & more frequently while the distance is not shorter and we're busy here with our stuff.

Third of all, we have the feeling that our direction will not help us progress enough to change our lives significantly which means we might not be able ever to reach our goals/dreams.

So, what do you think? Are we on a RIGHT track?


✅ Continued appartment finishing

Plan for week #133

🪜 Continue appartment finishing

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