🗓 Sep 11, 2022⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week #29 - Better

You can't be grateful for good things without bad things happening in between

When it comes to visual part, I'm always concerned. On the one hand I feel that I can distinct not-a-bad from not-good designs. On the other hand, my design skills are comparable to my singing. Trust me, you would not like to hear me singing 😱

This is the moment when AI comes with surprising help. This week I received an email that my waiting is over I finally I have the access to DALL-E - AI tool to generate images based on textual description. I could not hesitate and decided to instantly test it out to produce an icon for my mobile app. It took several iterations to find best phrase but finally It was created. Yay, we have an app icon!

What it more, Consider it done became Better - daily goal assistant.

However, not everything this week went smoothly according to the plan. In the second part of the week I decided to test out Xcode Cloud to launch CI of the app to support manual testing and code stability. Unfortunately the seems to be an issue now related to installation of dependencies (Fastlane + Cocoapods + Tuist) and I failed to launch it for now. Maybe new Xcode 14 will help here once the project is migrated? We'll see...

You can find effect of of my conversations with DALL-E below:

better logo

Time spent: 240 minutes (100%)

Plan for week #30

Time to start second app milestone - value goals 😊

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