Business Week 71 - Tough questions
Since the beginning of this blog I've focused already on several bigger projects...
Since the beginning of this blog I've focused already on several bigger projects...
That was a good week with lots of fundaments around new goal structure and levels. The crucial change in new approach is the fact that each goal may have levels of different kind that should smoothly work together. This is why it requires new model structure, new validations, new ways to access data and finally display it.
As mentioned recently, a new approach to `Better` app was the only option to move on. This is why this week was so crucial cause I finally drew first sketches of new `add-goal` flow and started implementing it.
The title of this post in not the accidental - as mentioned before, I focused recently on implementing value goals - second type of goals to be handled by the app. However, as I also recently mentioned, I was wrong for the whole time...
When it comes to visual part, I'm always concerned. On the one hand I feel that I can distinct `not-a-bad` from `not-good` designs. On the other hand, my design skills are comparable to my singing. Trust me, you would not like to hear me singing 😱