🗓 Jul 2, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Business Week 71 - Tough questions

Completion requires focus, focus requires narrowing down, narrowing down requires decisions

Since the beginning of this blog I've focused already on several bigger projects.

  1. Better app project reached the pre-alpha phase when I realized how complicated the project is in detail and decided to freeze it for now.
  1. Strings project passed through the validation stage and it is to be restarted to move the algorithm to the MVP stage. Still, the way from the algorithm to the final product is pretty long.
  1. VisionOS introduces new space and new opportunities right about now, before the market fills the available product space.

Should I focus on one of those projects or look further? For sure the focus on one project is required to actually complete anything.

Time spent: 120 minutes (50%)

Plan for week #72

Continue watching WWDC sessions waiting for the answers to appear out of the blue.

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