🗓 Jan 16, 2023⏳ 1 minutes

Life Week #47 - Running, again

Flu is a bastard for your physical performance

So, I finally started being more active this week and this was not an easy task. It occurred quickly how bad is my form after having flu recently. My condition is tragic, according to the Health app I'm in the worst form since June 2019 🫢

Well, the good thing about it is that it is a good starting point to improve performance. The bad thing about it is that there is plenty to be improved.

Still, I'm pushing. Even if on Saturday for the first time this year I tasted some alcohol breaking the 18 days strike I still feel I am on the right track to meet my goals for 2023. And it's already 2 weeks of the new year, only 50 left to finish. I already see the finish line 😉


✅ Completed demo version of secret project Dots

✅ Had 2 jogging sessions during a week

✅ Had a great weekend with just the two of us

Plan for week #48

💪 Continue shaping good form by practicing daily and running at least twice

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