Life Week #76 - Light injury
I hate injuries. They happen in the least expected moment. You spend weeks or months training, growing muscles, and moving personal boundaries and suddenly you need to stop and take a few steps back.
I hate injuries. They happen in the least expected moment. You spend weeks or months training, growing muscles, and moving personal boundaries and suddenly you need to stop and take a few steps back.
I forced myself to pause. Sure, it did not happen on purpose, but accidentally; still, due to injury I had a medical treatment this week. On the one hand, it solves the issue, and on the other introduces a big pause in my daily activities. I feel that I've recently shaped a great form and this pause will make things complicated. I am already afraid of gaining weight and losing some muscles and stamina. What is worse I am afraid and not having a way to flush my daily stresses and frustration, especially when running.
One of my goals for March was to survive another strike of 2 weeks in a row without alcohol. I think that even writing it in the form of `surviving` exposes the scale of the issue. There are many opportunities in your life to have a glass of wine or a drink - Friday evening chill-out while watching some movie, meeting with friends, visiting family you haven't seen for a while, clubbing with work buddies, celebrating personal successes, birthdays, namesdays, anniversaries, etc.
Finally, after tough weeks of catching form after the end-of-the-year crisis I recently had an idea to check if I am still able to run 10km.
At some point this week I felt like a well-programmed robot of a well-functioning machine. I'd say that I am in a pretty good physical form (one of the best, tbh). Although working hard during weekdays and the weekend, I still find time daily to learn and practice some chess and some other activities. That makes me feel both great and scared.
This life week was rather focused on weekly goals, which is good, right?
The first year of this project has passed by. The first anniversary makes me wonder if this was a good year. If the project I started a year ago actually changed my life? I defining goals for year, month, and week makes it easier to achieve them?
From the live point of view, this was actually a kinda boring week.
What if life was a game of chess? Initially, it seems like it would be much easier...
The problem with weekly summaries is that you try to summarize the whole week and each of the 168 hours of it in one moment based on your current mood and point of view. That of course is far from the average during the week, but well, it is what it is, right?
So, I finally started being more active this week and this was not an easy task. It occurred quickly how bad is my form after having flu recently. My condition is tragic, according to the Health app I'm in the worst form since June 2019 🫢
So, I finally started being more active this week and this was not an easy task. It occurred quickly how bad is my form after having flu recently. My condition is tragic, according to the Health app I'm in the worst form since June 2019 🫢